Okay, so maybe the title implies that I am making an apology to you, the general reader. Maybe I felt guilty for leaving you all in suspense. This being the case, I determined to write an apology post so that I could receive a warm pat on the back and an, "It's alright," by those dedicated and loyal to me. Before I gag, I think I'll stop right there. By this part of the post I am sure you have begun to realize that I don't intend to apologize to you. It is just simply not the case. "Then," you may ask, "What is the point of this post? Who could you possibly be apologizing to if it isn’t me?" That is a good question and I am sure I will do a horrible job of answering it. But I’ll try anyway. Drum role please...
"I'm sorry, dear writer for not posting sooner." That statement is ambiguous and probably needs further explanation. But first, let’s quickly reflect on the mess I have made thus far. I wrote a whole paragraph explaining what this post wasn't about, lest you be deceived. Then I started the second paragraph-and preferably the last-with a very confusing statement. It not only kept you hanging but has also caused me to write a few more useless sentences in an attempt to "really" explain every thing! Yes, I can empathize with you...this is getting really tiring. Please bear with me, though.
Now for the explanation: what writer is the apology indicating? It is me. Clearly, then, I am apologizing to myself. But why? Doesn't that seem a little Conceited? I mean, who but the stuck up sissy's apologize to themselves. Well, I'll get to that in a minute. First, I need to answer the question, "Why am I apologizing to myself?" I am sorry for not making myself more disciplined. I want to be a writer; I say I love to write, and yet, I am hurting myself immensely by not determining to write at least once a week. This blog is the perfect opportunity for that type of discipline. Not posting, then, probably plays a huge affect in what kind of writer I am and in what kind I become. The less I write, the less comprehendible my writing is, and, thus, the less fun I will have as a writer. For that reason I am sorry. Does it make sense now? If not, then I can't help you. As to the idea of me being a sissy for writing this post…it is only a matter of opinion.
Now that this horrible and long apology is finished I must do something. I must say “sorry,” for the apology. Please don't be too surprised by that last odd statement. Just get used to the fact that you are reading an odd kind of writing from an odd kind of person. So in closing, I’m very sorry whoever you are out there: Interested or (Probably) board reader. I hope the next post better suits your reading tastes.
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